

Wednesday, May 23, 2012


Lately Addison is in love with her puzzles. And I am very glad we have some heavy duty Melissa and Doug wooden puzzles because they have been getting well used/loved.

Luckily, they can stand the baby teething process.

And now let me insert the words that would have been used between the girls besides all the squeals and growling.

Savannah: Hey Charlotte look!!! Addison left her puzzles on the floor again!!! Come check it out!!
Charlotte: I can't quite reach!!!

Charlotte: That's better, thanks Savannah!

Addison: Babies!!!!! NO!!!! MY PUZZLES!!!!!!!!! MINE!!!!!!!

Savannah: She took them away...maybe I can still reach them

Savannah: Nope can't reach that puzzle, let me try for this one.

Savannah: SCORE!!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Lol! Honestly I have no clue how you juggle these ladies, but I'm definitely nominating you for the super-mom award!
