

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Pig tails.....

I can now do two pig tails in Addison's hair!!!!!

We also started brushing her teeth!

5 things
1. Fall is finally here.
2.Addison can say mom-mom-mom-mom.
3. I don't need to have the air on anymore.
4 I can now wear jeans and a sweatshirt and not overheat.
5. A healthy family.

Saturday, September 25, 2010


Our neighbor across the street had a visitor this morning. I think this is the largest turtle I have ever seen....outside of a zoo!!!! I really think it was a about a foot and a half long. Brian took the turtle down to a local pond so that we he has a more comfortable home. And so he is away from ours!!! :)

Wednesday, September 22, 2010


Yesterday Addison crawled into my laundry room and stole an apple. She had such a fun time with this apple. She rolled it all over the tile floor and into the living room. I took over 75 pictures of her doing this and here are some of my favorites.

Yes the apple is in mid air!

Trying to crawl holding on to the apple

Yum, Yum!!!!!

5 things
1. Brian comes home tonight!
2. Homemade applesauce.
3. Today is the first day of fall!!!!
4. Chicken soup.
5. One dislike- it's hot out again and my air is on! :(

Monday, September 20, 2010

Weekend Fun Part 2

Saturday Addison got to go to her Grandma Timmer's house. And on Sunday on the way home we went Apple Picking!!!!!

Someone's getting jealous......

Lauren protected Addison from the horses.

Weekend Fun Part 1

So this past weekend we had a wedding back home we had to go to so we got to play at both Grandparents house. Part 1 is Friday at Grandma Krol's house.

It was lots of fun playing her piano

Can I really be up here???? REALLY!!!!!!

Grandma tried to teach me a song.

At the end of the night Grandpa gave me my bottle. And I got to snuggle him all by myself.

Well, kinda by myself.

5 things
1. Safe travels to and from MI this past weekend
2. As much as I love to go home I'm glad that we get some at home time again for awhile.
3. Awesome friends.
4. Apple picking
5. A healthy family.