

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Snow Day

Before we get to the snow...check out poor Charlotte. I have started transitioning the girls from 2 naps a day  to 1 nap a day and most days they do great. But every once in a while, I catch them nodding off to sleep during lunch. Charlotte fought it so hard and finally after one big sigh, she fell asleep. Addison made this comment, "Hey Momma, I think that baby needs to go to her bed, she's sleepers!" :)

Now for the snow pictures. We finally get some snow around here and as soon as it starts falling, Addison wanted to go outside and play in it. So, after the girls fell asleep I pulled out some cute winter clothes for Addison so I could try and get some cute last snow fall in Illinois pictures. We did pretty good though, we took pictures for about 10 minutes, then she was bored.

So, I asked her if she wanted to shovel the driveway. She was so happy!

And when it was time to go inside, I didn't even get any tears, I just asked for one more smile and this is what I got!

Happy Snow Day!

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