

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Ode to Boo-Bear

This was Boo-Bear. Isn't he cute!!! A long time ago in 2009 when I was pregnant with Addison I got this snugly Boo-Bear that my someday baby (Addison) would get to hopefully play with.

Since then Boo-bear has been very loved. 

He is the best nap time buddy. While at Grandma's house.

And at our house.

He has been dragged around buy his arm.

And taken more naps, in more places than any bear I know.

Until today, today Boo-bear needed surgery. You see Addison no longer carried him around by his arm, but by his nose. And today his stuffing started to fall out from being in the wash. So Dr. Mom (I hear she has the best references:) ) stitched his nose back together and now he looks like a duck.



I told Addison that if she would continue to chew on Boo-bear's nose he would have to go bye-bye.

She listened about as good as her daddy! 

Have a great weekend!

Bathing Beauties

Daddy was gone for the night, dinner was done, bathes were done, and it wasn't bedtime yet. Momma was bored.....

So what did we do, we took some more pictures!

I have been trying to get a just diapers pictures of the girls to put in their bathroom someday and here is what I have come up with so far.

Can you tell which one is Savannah??? I'll give you a hint, she's the nosey one.

Yes, you Savannah, you're nosey!!!!

And my Charlotte!

Here's Addison too! Can you tell she is on her way to being 3??? She's saying "CHEESE!!!!" And when her picture is done being taken she will say "Alright! Great Picture!!!!"

Later that night, the babies were fighting over this green fork, Charlotte won!

And Savannah got the keys.

This was from the following morning, so quiet and peaceful that I had to go looking for her to find out what she was up to. And she was just reading her book.

Spilled Milk

Somehow...and I didn't know how then, but Charlotte figured out how to take the top of off her sippy cup. When you hear splashes and giggles coming out of your dinning room, it is never a good combination.

Needless to say, both babies got bathes after breakfast. Because of coarse Charlotte didn't just splash milk all over herself and her chair and the floor all around her, she got Savannah too!

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Hoffmaster 2012

Well, just a few pictures of time at home before camping. I got the babies new sippy cups and they are now experts at drinking out of them. And tossing them on the floor for that matter too.

They are such happy little girls and unless they are strapped into their highchairs it is getting more and more difficult to take pictures of them.

So, I didn't get to take very many pictures of them while camping because I was, well, taking care of babies.

But here are the babies in their bathing suits eating lunch one day.

If you can't hear her, Savannah is yelling BOB, BOB, BOB!!!

And Mr. Deag's, (we didn't get to play with him to much because we were exposed to Hand, Foot, and Mouth disease. But I think we missed it. All 3 girls have had fevers, but I have not found any spots anywhere.) He was a lot of fun and his cheezer smiles are the cutest!!!

Miss Savannah


And Charlotte

Our camping site. Complete with 900 chairs, a stroller and our favorite the baby jail.

Love this girl. She had so much fun exploring and playing at the beach. She loved the water and even (gasp) played in the sand and got her hands dirty!!!

On Saturday, Addison's friend Emry came up for a while with her parents. They had lots of fun playing together and

holding hands.

I'm very interested to see how next year goes...by then I will have 3 little girls that will want to run in 3 different directions!!!