

Saturday, April 6, 2013

The Last Days

I finally have internet again (from my parents house) and I had some time to crank out some blog posts to get up to date with what's been going on.
This was right before the move at the old house. Addison had found a toy in the couch and then she found a mess in the couch so she asked to clean it out. So I got out the vacuum out for her and she had such a fun time cleaning out the couches.
I really wanted one last picture of all 3 girls in front of the house....but this was the best I got.
Then we dropped the kids off with family and drove back to St. Louis IN A SNOWSTORM!!!!! The last 3 times we have moved, there was either a snowstorm or snow on the ground. In between Champaign and our house, Brian and I counted 66 vehicles in the ditch. Including 2 snowplows and 1 tow truck. We drove down the middle of the highway going 35 and we were pushing snow with the car. (We didn't want to put a bunch of miles on the mini van, so we rented a car drive back and forth to St. Louis.)
SO, needless to say we had some snow to shovel off of our driveway.

The people who we had pack all of our stuff were awesome! Here is just a glimpse of all the boxes from our house.


The packers were at the house Monday, then different people came to load our house onto a semi on Tuesday. And then on Wednesday they were at the house in South Haven unloading everything! It has been a whirlwind of an adventure getting this moving thing underway and done with...but hey, life always is an adventure!

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