

Thursday, April 26, 2012

AAA - All About Addison!

Today it's All About Addison.

There was silence in my house again, which is very rare these days. The babies were sleeping and Addison wasn't be-bopping all around so I went to look for her. And here she was, putting babies to "eep" and tucking them into her bed.

After finding her I asked if she wanted to water the flowers. She doesn't water them quite gracefully enough yet, but she loves to try and help. 

And play in the run off water.

And then it was trash day. So we needed to take the trash bin back to the house....she didn't like doing that by herself. She needed some help.

In other Addison new...she is growing like a weed! Last month when we bought the new stroller for the babies she couldn't reach the handle bars to help push and last night she discovered she can.

And my favorite for the day. 

Addison: Momma where are you!?!?!?!?!
Me: In the bathroom Addison. (I was cleaning the shower)
Addison: Watcha doin?
Me: cleaning
Addison: (Insert some as Brian calls it, Borculo speak) HUH?
Me: Cleaning the shower Addison
Addison: What's that?
Me: Cleaning???
Addison: Yeah.
And then she ran out of the bathroom 

Obviously I need to clean more. Or have her help me clean so she learns what cleaning is!

Hope you all have a great day!

Friday, April 20, 2012

Happy Half-Birthday Babies!!!

Yesterday was the babies half-birthday! Can you believe how fast 6 months went by??

But I am running short on time...the girls are starting to fuss over the monitors (they are waking up from a great nap!) so have a great weekend and



Savannah saying mmmmmmmm.




Friday, April 13, 2012

Spring time in Michigan

I love springtime. I love it that it's the end of winter. I love the green-ness. I love that color comes back into the world.

I love it even more when I'm in Michigan.

Don't get me wrong...I love springtime in St. Louis, but there is just something about being "home" for spring.

So, no more words, just enjoy my week enjoying the springtime!

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Cousin Time

Love these girls!!!!!

We got to go spend some time with our cousins today up at their farm. We played with some toys, checked out the chickens and pigs (Ham and Bacon) AND I got to take some pictures of them!

Oh my Miss Lauren! You are such a great big cousin!!! You did such a great job helping feed and hold Savannah and Charlotte. And you were so nice to share your toys with Addison!

Miss Abi, you did amazing at bringing Aunt Carrie toys and stuff for the babies!! I have a feeling that someday, you and Addison are going to create LOTS of trouble! :)

Addison got to play with the baby chicks too!!! And she loved every minute of it!

Trying to give kisses

This is how we were able to get lots of great pictures of the 3 older cousins with the baby chicks...Savannah and Charlotte crashed on Aunt Diane's living room floor!