Hello there my blog followers, if your looking for the latest update on Addison and how our family is doing, sorry! I'm am writing a 150 word blog about why I love Shutterfly so much so I can get 50 free holiday cards!!!!! I have loved Shutterfly for a while now and its not just because of there amazing photo books. I have in the past used Shutterfly for the many Christmas photo cards. I think I even used them to update people of our new address one of the many times we have moved. Kinda in a card like this. Some of my favorites for this year include
Maybe it's just the cute kids!!! I don't know....but as to my MOST favorite you will just have to wait and see!!!
But they also have some other cute ideas for Christmas. Depending on if you need something little like a stocking stuffer, they have mugs that you can customize and put photos on. Or, if you need something bigger they have beautiful calendars that you can create. (And when you do create a calendar, you can put as many photos on as you want and they will arrange them for you!!!!) It's almost to easy!!! So, I hope that you enjoy your holidays, as for us we are heading home tomorrow to spend the entire week with our families.
50 Free cards!? That's Awesome!