

Thursday, May 26, 2011

We are having.....

Twin Girls!!!!!!
We are both pretty excited and now I get to do some shopping!!!

These first few pictures are of Baby A.

This is how are u/s tech told us what the genders of our babies were.
So creative!

And these pictures are of Baby B.

Yes it is a lot of random bones and circles and blobs, but it was the coolest thing to see. We witnessed the girls squirming everywhere and they are adorable!

Brian said that it looked there was a game of Rock 'em Sock 'em going on in there. There were hands and feet and knees flying everywhere! They truly are a miracle!!

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Spring has sprung.

Our flowers are blooming!!!!
And my glads kinda make me feel like I have a part of home (Michigan) here in Illinois. My mom had an over abundance of them last spring and decided she wanted them thinned out, so I get to enjoy their beauty.

And Addison likes them too!
 She is learning how to smell things. Like Stinky Piggies and something that smells much better, flowers.


The first popsicle....

 I'm falling behind again...last week it was absolutely beautiful here. Mid-80's with some humidity. So I decided it was about time for Addison to try a popsicle. I tried making them a couple of weeks ago, but she didn't like them.

I think she liked this kind much better!

Okay, do you see this look... check out the person on the left below. He has that same look.

Addison has also learned how to put a hat on.

And she's off!

I love that she wears hats now.
Maybe I should get her her own...that way I don't have to always share mine. ;)

Thursday, May 5, 2011

New Timmer family photo!

These are just for Grandma Timmer.
